Discover The Power of Humility in Your Leadership
A curated list of real-life stories and learning by David MacLean, speaker, entrepreneur, and TEC Canada Chair. This booklet will empower every leader to take a step back from "top down" authoritarian leadership and embrace a leadership style of humility. After reading The Power of Humility in Leadership booklet, you will learn how to...:
- Receive input/advice from others
- Avoid hasty judgments
- Understanding your focus as a leader
- Live and lead with gratitude
- Learn from our experiences

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Key Topics
- The Decisions We Make, Make Us
- There are No Unassisted Goals
- Superman Don’t Need No Seatbelt
- Who Says “No” To You?
- People Are Like Paintings
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Sample from
"People are Like Paintings"
"Every painting I looked at was something I figured I could paint. We walked throughout many rooms in his house showcasing numerous paintings. Every painting appeared to be a random collage of colors and shapes. I couldn’t believe he had paid so much money for something that was so... simple, random, and unattractive."
"As he explained, I began to understand the story behind the painting and my appreciation grew for this piece. Knowing the story of the painting opened my heart to the art and helped me to overcome my hasty, ignorant judgment of the work as being simple, random, unattractive and something I could whip up in 30 minutes out in the garage."
"I knew I was busted. Yes, I judged people by how they appeared to me and didn’t bother taking the time to learn their story so I could understand why they are the way they are and, therefore, grow in empathy. I knew I needed to learn to judge less and empathize more: to care enough to learn a person’s story so I could empathize and extend compassion instead of criticism and condemnation."
David's Definition of Humility:
It’s not about you.
There are only two ways we can lead and live:
1. Spend others for my own benefit
2. Spend myself for the benefit of others
Great leaders recognize it is not about them.
They are meant to be spent for the benefit of those they lead. And together we can all become our best.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking about yourself less
Key Learnings from These Stories
- Receiving input/advice from others
- Avoiding hasty judgments• Understanding your focus as a leader
- Living and leading with gratitude
- Learning from our experiences
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Each lesson is drawn from a real-life entertaining and engaging anecdote to make the lesson very applicable. The lessons also conclude with a "Dive Deeper" question to enhance your learning.