Discover the Power of Tenacity in Your Leadership
A curated list of real-life stories and learning by David MacLean, speaker, entrepreneur, and TEC Canada Chair. This booklet will enable us to push through the fears, failures, and false beliefs that keep us from becoming all we can be. After reading the Power of Humility in Tenacity Booklet, you will learn how to...:
- Tackling overwhelming situations
- Embracing the messiness of learning
- Bringing your passion
- Turning ‘woes’ into ‘wows’
- Building team through shared goals

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Key Topics
One Room At A Time
Worse Often Leads to Better
Much Ado About Passion
Lots of Wow, Lots of Woe
Just Score a Point
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Sample from
"Worse Often Leads to Better"
“Mr. McEwan, I need to get rid of this little scratch – how do I do it?”
I gazed at my beautifully machined brass letter opener. It was a gift for my dad on Father’s Day and I wanted to make it perfect. And it was, except for that little scratch on the blade.
Mr. McEwan, my grade 8 metalwork teacher, gave me the solution:
“Take a little bit of wet and dry paper to the blade and that will get rid of the scratch.”
So, eager to remove the scratch I gingerly rubbed the blade with the sandpaper expecting the scratch to magically disappear. What happened shocked me: the blade no longer had a single scratch, it now had numerous scratches!
I raced back to my trusted advisor with my emotionally charged accusation:
“What you told me to do actually made it worse! See, now it has more scratches!”
With a chuckle at my innocent ignorance, he retorted, “Dave, sometimes you have to make things worse before they get better.”
David's Definition of Tenacity:
The passionate, persistent pursuit of a worthy goal.
Your “Worthy Why"
The key to refusing to give up in the face of difficulty is your commitment to your “worthy why”.
Why are you doing what you are doing?
What is your goal?
Have you actually worked through your worthy why; that which keeps you moving forward when your progress is slow, when you fall down, when you fail or when everything in you wants to quit?
"It Can’t Be Done"
The road to our achievements is lined with people saying why it can’t be done. There is a resistance that comes against us, both externally and internally, that can keep us from becoming our best self. In fact, the greatest resistance we face is internal. The nagging voice causing us to question our capability, competence, and commitment. I call these thoughts we hear on a daily basis, “The Whisper Campaign”.
Tenacity enables us to push through the fears, failures, and false beliefs – “The Whisper Campaign” - that keeps us from becoming all we can be.
Key Learnings from These Stories
- Tackling overwhelming situations
- Embracing the messiness of learning - Bringing your passion
- Turning ‘woes’ into ‘wows’
- Building team through shared goals
Other Free Wholehearted Leaders Booklets

The Power of Humility in Leadership contains the following lessons:
- Who Says "No" to You?
- People Are Like Paintings
- Superman Don't Need No Seatbelt
- There Are No Unassisted Goals
- The Decisions We Make, Make Us
Discover the following valuable lessons:
- Receiving input/advice from others
- Avoiding hasty judgments
- Understanding your focus as a leader
- Living and leading with gratitude
- Learning from our experiences
Each lesson is drawn from a real-life entertaining and engaging anecdote to make the lesson very applicable. The lessons also conclude with a "Dive Deeper" question to enhance your learning.
The Power of Courage in Leadership contains the following lessons:
- The Power of Conviction
- Every Leader's Tug-of-War
- Be A Chief Encouragement Officer
- Pressure is a Privilege
- Good Leaders are "Carefrontational"
Discover the following valuable lessons:
- Understanding that conviction precedes courage
- Recognizing the ‘hope vs. fear’ tug-of-war
- Embracing the power of encouragement
- Identifying how life’s pressures can help us
- Choosing to be ‘carefrontational’
Each lesson is drawn from a real-life entertaining and engaging anecdote to make the lesson very applicable. The lessons also conclude with a "Dive Deeper" question to enhance your learning.