We have created some free booklets for you highlighting 3 of the 7 Commitments of a Wholehearted Leader.
Each booklet is comprised of 5 entertaining and engaging anecdotal lessons creatively depicting the power of humility, courage and tenacity in leadership. Each lesson concludes with a "Dive Deeper" question to help you apply the truth of the lesson.

Humility is the foundation that all great leadership is built upon. Humility is simply understanding that it's not about you!

Without courage it is impossible to lead well. Courage is not being fearless - it is a choice to move forward in the face of fear.

Tenacity is the passionate, persistent pursuit of a worthy goal. Tenacity is not giving up in the face of opposition.
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The Power of Humility in Leadership contains the following articles:
Who Says "No" to You?
People Are Like Paintings
Superman Don't Need No Seatbelt
There Are No Unassisted Goals
The Decisions We Make, Make Us
In reading the booklet and walking through the "Dive Deeper" section, you will discover "how to":
- Receive input/advice from others
- Avoid hasty judgments
- Understand your focus as a leader
- Live and lead with gratitude
- Learn from our experiences
Each lesson is drawn from a real-life, entertaining and engaging anecdotes to make every lesson.
Download "Power of Humility in Leadership" for FREEThe Power of Courage in Leadership contains the following lessons:
The Power of Conviction
Every Leader's Tug-of-War
Be A Chief Encouragement Officer
Pressure is a Privilege
Good Leaders are "Carefrontational"
Discover "how to":
- Understand that conviction precedes courage
- Recognize the "hope vs. fear" tug-of-war
- Embrace the power of encouragement
- Identify how life’s pressures can help us
- Choos to be ‘carefrontational’
Each lesson conclude with a "Dive Deeper" question to enhance your learning.
Download "Power of Courage in Leadership" for FREE

The Power of Tenacity in Leadership contains the following lessons:
One Room At A Time
Worse Often Leads to Better
Much Ado About Passion
Lots of Wow, Lots of Woe
Just Score a Point
Discover the following valuable lessons:
- Tackling overwhelming situations
- Embracing the messiness of learning
- Bringing your passion
- Turning ‘woes’ into ‘wows’
- Building team through shared goals
Using real-life anecdotes, each lesson is applicable to each of our lives.
Download "Power of Tenacity in Leadership" for FREE